Cut More Steel - Win More Jobs


StruCIM is a fully-automated system for robotic cutting and welding that takes your structural designs from engineering data to fabricated assemblies within a single, powerful, easy-to-use solution.

StruCIM offers a variety of hardware solutions to fit your particular needs and existing production lines. With StruCIM’s intuitive interface, operators can quickly fabricate complex parts and assemblies with no robotics experience.

Robotic Welding Solutions Automatically Programmed from CAD Data

StruCIM integrates with your engineering software to convert CAD data into welding instructions usable on any robotically driven welding system. By reading native file formats from structural detailing software tools, StruCIM knows where every weld needs to go and creates the optimal set of instructions to drive fast, precise robotic welding. 


StruCIM Can Read Native CAD Weld Path Information

Read weld paths natively from CAD files or import IFC formats from software (Tekla or Advance Steel).


StruCIM Converts Weld Information into Machine Instructions

Simulate all welds in safe, virtual environment to be sure all welds are correct and don't collide.


StruCIM Sends the Weld Instructions to Machine for Production

StruCIM generates robot code automatically and uploads to the machine of your choice.

StruCIM Beam Cutting Solution